Vicar’s Letters

Vicar’s Letters


A December love story…

Two thousand years ago, we are told, a star appeared in the East. Certain wise men understood this to mean that a baby had been born who was to be King over all the world. What was that star? Was it a comet? We don’t know, but stars then and today, have always been considered lights to steer by…

The story goes that these wise men were guided to Bethlehem, to one who was to be called the Light of the World.

A wealth of myths and legends, songs and stories have grown around this biblical narrative, the majority of us grow up with its images; in fact the story leading up to the birth of the child and his revelation to the world, from Advent to Epiphany, are a kind of super-history…

Whatever the precise historic details of what happened all those centuries ago, and however much scholars, believers or agnostics vary in their opinions, this story still speaks powerfully and truthfully to us today…

Saints, poets and great thinkers from age to age have expressed their insights for us to explore and think on; inspiring us as we tell the exquisite story of God’s love for his people.

‘There appeared a man named John, sent from God; he came as a witness to testify to the Light, that all might become believers through him.

John was not the light; he came to bear witness to the Light.

The real Light, which enlightens every man, was coming into the world…

He was in the world, but the world, though it owed its being to him, did not recognise him.

He entered his own realm, and his own would not receive him.

But to all who did, to those, he gave the right to become Children of God…

So the Word became flesh, he came to dwell among us, and we saw his glory, such befits the Father’s only Son, full of grace and truth…’(based on John 1: 6-14)

This tale of the past unlocks the meaning of now…and the future…

A story of love, worth telling again and again…

Christmas Blessings to one and all…




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